How can my twin flame leave their marriage?
As a twin flame in a marriage that has lasted even for several years, a trigger can appear. Maybe, one of the married couple realizes he has a twin flame, and when that happens, the energy changes. Sometimes an external trigger will manage to “wake us up”.
Perhaps the twins meet when both of them are engaged. Some people will decide to resume with their ex-partner, so, to be back to their old life. But after going through the twin flame experience, even when finding it difficult to reunite with your twin flame, you will prefer to turn the page of the past in the most peaceful way possible. Feeling awake means seeing with the eyes of the soul, you want time for yourself, and you never want to be unfair to anyone including your ex-partner.
You want to be honest with your feelings as if you finally decide to find your own happiness. As for your twin flame, no matter how long you take to chase him, one day will come and you will say, enough is enough, you will have a strong desire to let him go, and you will look for your inner balance, you will just want to find yourself.
So you can begin a new life where only your inner happiness matter. In brief, we as twin flames in marriages need to be honest with ourselves, our spouses, and our twin flames. We may need to stay with our spouses/soulmates for a while, but on the day you choose separation, do it in the most loving way possible and then work on reuniting with your twin.
Once we learn the truth...we can't go back. If your twin flame lives without you, wish him happiness, and let him live the experiences in his life. He's going to face a lot of lessons until he eventually awakened. The first thing that will look for is you. The soul always wants to come back home.