Can a twin flame have a normal life?

Can a twin flame have a normal life, at least once they realize they are a twin flame?

Or even when they become aware of something different happening with them. From that time on, the twin flame lives a life that is not what is called a normal 3D life. They are aware of something “higher” to begin with. 4D or 5D becomes a reality. The twin flames feel there is a greater purpose for their existence.

At some point, the twin flame will understand that either 5D is more important than 3D (they become a spiritual twin flame) or that 5D is causing them an inner conflict with their “normal” 3D life. Depending on the situation, they will enter into the twin flame runner/chaser dynamic, which can also be seen in some soulmate relationships but is common with twin flames.

There will be a love bubble phase, which will be amazing and wonderful, but short, usually leading to the first separation, which is the runner’s attempt to deny what just happened.

This usually leaves the chaser perplexed and hurt wondering what was wrong. Whether it’s the runner or the chaser, both twin flames know that “normal” people don’t go through this kind of situation.

Finally, after many pursuing attempts, the chaser attempts to give up. The twin flames may find themselves coming back to each other, regardless of whatever has happened. That’s not normal either – it can take years, and despite it all, no matter what, twin flames still love each other on the deepest level and want to forgive each other and start the journey again..

None of this is “normal”. Even twin flames who find peace and happiness with each other find themselves in a relationship so intense and love that it couldn’t be “normal” either.

A normal relationship is usually one that is 3D only, follows the rules of 3D, and may have no soul connection, but if it does, the soul connection is secondary. Twin flames cannot have a normal relationship because their soul connection is the very reason they are together.

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