Full Moon of Saturday, September 10, 2022

Full Moon of Saturday, September 10, 2022

With each full moon, when the energy reaches its peak, it releases a  cosmic change. This month we have a full moon in the sign of Pisces and it will be quite intense. Here’s what to know and how to work with this full moon.

The full moon will be on Saturday, September 10.

It’s a deeply spiritual full moon, it’s so introspective.

The Sun-Moon opposition combines the ability of deep thinking and spiritual insights. Also, the moon is conjunct Neptune, which is the ruling planet of Pisces. Basically, this influence of Neptune will amplify themes of spirituality and emotion in the coming week.

And then we have Uranus, the “great awakener”, which can cause disruption. Uranus informs you that there are exciting new ways to be more present. So you can expect the unexpected.

How to work with this energy.

How you decide to honor this full moon in Pisces is up to you, whether you opt for a full moon ritual or even a spiritual bath (which would be great considering the moon is in a water sign). 

Who you are today is not who you were yesterday, nor is it who you will be tomorrow. So what do you need to do now to adapt and become a more spiritually expanded version of yourself?

As emotions can run high during this moon, the focus is on being able to make powerful decisions about who you want to become. Do an exercise to get in touch with your “future self”, whether you’re meditating on it or using a journal. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

How is my future self different from who I am right now?

Who will I become if I don’t make any changes?

How can these changes happen?

Help yourself to listen to your true Self. There are a lot of intuitive answers to come, and a lot of ideas, but now is not necessarily the time to act. It’s time to sit down, reflect, and review all.

There’s nothing like a full moon in Pisces to stir up emotions. Although the full moon can feel heavy, It is also an open invitation to let go.

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