What happens after the twin flames successfully reach their mission?

 What happens when the twin flames successfully reach the mission?

 The twin flames are destined to achieve their mission. When they succeed, do the feelings and the energy between them disappear?

As twins, you love each other more than ever. Love grows, while everything else fades. The impossibility of being with someone else ultimately leads to peace because the drama of separation does not exist. Only love remains. Being authentic in love allows you to pursue real passions, without the influence of 3D or the drama. For you, 5D is totally disconnected from 3D. This is your paradise on earth.

This is why the vibration, which you and your twin will have, can be healing for those around you. Most twin flames can choose to be healers, counselors or guides, they will choose a path where they can offer something back to the universe by helping other people grow. Twin flames love unconditionally and are able to let the vibration flow to those who can receive. They have a positive impact on the lives of others.

Just love your twin, love your life and shine. The rest is divinely planned.

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