Month November 2022

How to benefit from the 2023 Year

This year is particular because it has feminine energy and that means the energy of creativity. We can say that this year will be a support for women.You will witness the presence and the effect of women this year so…

The First Sign of Twin Flame…

The first sign of a true twin flame connection is a sped-up spiritual awakening. This situation occurs, sometimes, before you meet your twin, when you meet them, or sometimes after. Certainly, your life will change as soon as you meet…

Can a twin flame ever feel normal?

Yes and no both.Why yes ? Because once a twin flame goes through the whole phase of initial separation, drama, turmoil, pain, energetic cleansing…then they enter a dark night of the soul. The twin flame, by working on a lot…

Why do twin flames hurt each other?

Why do twin flames hurt each other?Twin flames don’t hurt each other. They evoke all the pain that once existed deep inside them. The ego does not hurt the soul. And if you feel hurt, it’s your responsibility to heal…

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