Can a twin flame ever feel normal?

Yes and no both.
Why yes ? Because once a twin flame goes through the whole phase of initial separation, drama, turmoil, pain, energetic cleansing…then they enter a dark night of the soul. The twin flame, by working on a lot of things from within, and when eventually coming out the other end of the tunnel, it becomes much more awake, wiser, cleaner, vibrating with a higher consciousness, a developed being. , which is in a state of equilibrium. So the twin flame is going to feel very normal.
Why no ? Because,
The twin flame is shifting and shifting energetically every moment. When she reaches the balanced state, she will feel the positive change. It used to be just a normal caterpillar. Now a normal butterfly.
So, she ends up finding it normal, but she has, nevertheless, completely changed.
There is a new normal. You will feel healed without waiting for your twin’s return and union. You are going to start loving yourself unconditionally and saying “no”. You will also Love your twin unconditionally, with complete freedom and acceptance, without exception. You become aligned with your Higher Self/Soul and you become true to its spiritual guidance.
You will be more aware of your physical body and take care of it.
You feel satisfied and peaceful almost all the time.
You no longer respond to your twin, others, and circumstances with pain, anger, or fear.
And besides, you are more passionate about your soul mission than being with your twin.

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