The First Sign of Twin Flame…

The first sign of a true twin flame connection is a sped-up spiritual awakening.

This situation occurs, sometimes, before you meet your twin, when you meet them, or sometimes after. Certainly, your life will change as soon as you meet your twin flame for the first time (or sometimes, when you see each other the second time after a long period of no contact). Or if spiritualities already are within your interest, you will have a marked deepening of your spiritual life.

This comes with a lot of synchronicities happening to you.

Like seeing repeated numbers, seeing or hearing your twin’s name often when you least expect it, seeing people who look a lot like your twin, meaningful songs, etc.
You might experience vivid dreams, visions, a sense of their presence, telepathy, thoughts, and emotions, chakra activation, and the opening of psychic or creative abilities. Or if you already had them, they intensify, or you discover more about your psychic abilities.

And most twin flames feel a great familiarity with their divine partners, as if they already know them.

Many experiences the feeling of being able to truly be themselves with them. And to be home when they’re finally together. As if this is where they truly belong and have been unconsciously searching for all their lives.
Be aware that, the truth about who your Twin Flame is, always comes from within your soul. It is therefore a deep recognition. But you can ask your soul or your higher self if that person is your twin flame when you doubt that something is wrong.

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