The Twin Flame Portal 11:11
Metaphysics regards 11:11 as the portal to twin flames or deeply connected souls. During these portals, energy is released from the etheric world into our physical world. And that impacts all of our planet Earth. So, it is not a strange thing if your spiritual world will guide you to find clues, synchronicities, and other signs that lead you to your Twin Flame.
Why do we call 11:11 the twin flame portal?
First, 11:11 is the magic number of the soul mate, of the Twin Flame, of two souls, separated at birth and they will find each other. The 11:11 is for growth and expansion. So it will bring out a deeper personal alignment in the individual.
A twin flame union brings two people together to build a strong unity for two souls. But each one must recognize that they must stand on their own two feet and find a sense of self-esteem, first, before that the full union can be.
How will 11:11 affect the twin flames?
During the week of the 11:11 portal, we will all be inside of our “feelings”. This energy ripples through all of us. And we’re not going to escape it. But some people will feel it deeper than others. You are going to have the desire to ask, for angelic guidance, clues, and confirmations that you are on the right path. And in return, the new “you” will attract your vibrational match.
So be careful. We have no choice but to experience this powerful energy shift, the energy that surrounds us during the 11:11 portal takes us all deep into it.
Live the 11:11 portal as a joyful day. We have a great time imagining and adopting a new way of thinking, in order to know what really matters to us.
Embrace it all with your heart, soul, and mind aligned as one. November is a special month. This is the month when each of us finds our true path.