What happens when the sacred feminine gains power?

 What happens when the sacred feminine gains power?

Once the twin flame rises in its power, it is directly connected to the divine source.

She lifts all the weight that once made her heart swell with pain and sadness, and this expanded space is now filled with light and empathy.

She sees through any method of manipulation that was triggering her negativity, but instead of reacting, she now just smiles and observes.

She has no intention of changing anyone, as she knows everyone would enter her ascension at their own pace.

She connects with others who have already ascended, and from there she has formed meaningful relationships, which allow her to appreciate the virtues that she herself admires but does not yet have.

She knows she is too insignificant to make a critical difference in her life, but when the light passes through her with a higher force, she will not hesitate to do her part since she is no longer afraid of being inflamed. with the fire of compassion.

Last but not least, she no longer attempts to seek physical unity with her twin flame, as she allows time and space for her to follow her own ascension journey.

She feels complete fullness within herself.

His power comes NOW from within, directly from his awakened soul.

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