What if you meet your twin flame after you've already been with someone else and had kids?

It is a life path that you are currently on. And in this path; you have met a karmic relationship. And on this same path, you are, maybe, destined to have children and many other events according to what your own energy may attract, the energy of the place you live in, and your way of reacting to every life challenge.

There are a lot of lessons to learn during this life.

But there is a perfect divine time when two souls are destined to know each other. And here, I tell you two souls and not two people, why? Because we have a person more awake than another, more sensitive to spiritualities, to signs, and simply more open to listening. When the soul sends signs, it means it is preparing you for something.

So if the right time comes to meet your divine partner, on a physical, virtual, or dream level.

You just have to follow the signs, until you understand that this relationship is out of the ordinary, it’s a connection from within. And therefore, you deserve, not only to go through it but to live the first moments of happiness when you meet your twin flame. Whatever the conditions. This feeling will not be repeated easily afterward, events will speed up, and everything around you will interfere in this relationship which concerns only you and your twin.

That is why almost all twin flames decide to go on this journey alone.

They are looking for the most honest voice that can show them where the end of the tunnel is, where the light is. When it all gets too dark, there’s a thread of light that connects you to the unknown at some point. That’s one of the best truths, luckily you’re not alone. The moment you want to change your life, you can do it based on the power of your soul, which always accompanies you, your guides too if you ask for their help, what starts with a thin thread that is almost invisible can become after all a luminous world and you become the light for others around you.

Do not be afraid if you meet your twin at an impossible time.

Marriage and children will not prevent a twin flame union. Your thoughts can do it.
The decision you have to make about your life or who you want to be with has to be made while you are awakened. When you learn to see your life from another angle.

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