What is the concept of twin flame matrix?


If the twin flame connection is more spiritual, can you have a less spiritual twin?

Usually one spiritually aware twin is described as an "awake" twin and the other is a matrix or "unawakened" twin.

The awakened twin, i.e. the spiritual twin, will usually carry the awareness of this connection.

The Matrix Twin will not know their divinity and will live a normal life like an ordinary person. Although a Matrix Twin may be attracted to spiritual information without understanding why and they may also have their own psychic abilities.

What is important to understand is that we have ROLES to play here. You have chosen to be the spiritual twin and your twin has chosen to be the matrix twin. This does not mean that he is spiritually less advanced than you. He may be far more advanced than you spiritually, but in this life, in the twin flame journey, he has chosen to be the matrix twin.

Being spiritually aware and being spiritually mature are two different things.

A matrix twin flame is usually masculine energy or divine masculine energy.

This matrix twin normally learns their lessons due to karmic relationships.

He does not have the conscience or the wisdom of the spiritual twin. Since it is the opposite and has a practical stability in the connection. This is why often this twin can seem narcissistic.

He may react harshly with his twin flame because of his way of thinking.

A Matrix Twin is also heavily programmed by society and anything other than that threatens their comfort zone and they run away very easily.

He goes through tougher lessons than a spiritual twin, he takes on difficult relationship patterns in order to learn more about himself.

A Matrix Twin fights between heart and mind...he knows his twin flame is special, but it threatens his comfort zone and is extremely triggering...so he just wants to get rid of anything that threatens his ego.

But eventually, with divine intervention, he learns that everything he went through was just an illusion and that the only true love and genuine person in his life was his twin flame.

It is then that the reunion will take place.

The two twins have the same injuries, the same problems. The spiritual twin talks about it and the matrix twin does not.

The matrix twin always feels a sense of protection towards the spiritual twin.

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