Why do many believe that the twin flame “Runner” always comes back?
This is because the “Twin flame Runner” simply returns.
In fact, it is not about what we believe. It is about what is done, what happens in a twin flame journey.
Remember: a Runner or a Chaser – is NOT a person who is permanently a runner. Or permanently a chaser.
Running and chasing – is a state of mind.
The two twin flames continue to change their mindset from running to chasing, from time to time. Even when the twin stays in the running or chasing state for more extended periods of time, that doesn’t mean that’s his ROLE.
It’s just a state of mind.
If one really enters a deeper understanding of this RETURN – it is not really a return.
The two twin flames, during the separation, continue to progress on their own path – and come to a point where they cross paths again after making progress.
So each time they meet, they stand at a different stage.
The twin flames can meet, each other so many times, in several ways, and that may look like a “come back” – but in reality, you are both taking an inner step in your own journey, and so you meet again to unlock your next step.