Why do twin flames hurt each other?

Why do twin flames hurt each other?
Twin flames don’t hurt each other. They evoke all the pain that once existed deep inside them. The ego does not hurt the soul. And if you feel hurt, it’s your responsibility to heal the hurt, not your twin’s. When you meet your twin flame, it will be like a trigger that can activate all the most profound and darkest negativity that already exists within you. You should thank the universe for this connection, as it helps You heal and see through all illusions so that you can come closer to the truth of who you are. It is a painful journey but only towards the ego. Be determined to heal it. You are not the ego. The ego really separates you from that connection and it’s what has to be seen through and it’s the work you have to do on your own without blaming your twin for it. You can do this and once you see through all the layers of the ego, the healing can begin. It was never about a twin flame. It’s all about you. Your twin will be the trigger for your return home to your true authentic self.

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