What happens if I stop chasing my twin flame?

In your twin flame story, there are two scenarios:

The first case: You decide to abandon the connection and this twin flame journey completely.

You stop thinking about it and move on. And if this is a true twin flame connection, at some point, you and your twin flame will cross paths again and reconnect. However, you have this desire to evolve in life. You are looking for an ideal partner and maybe you are founding a happy family. As for your twin, you stop looking for him, without having the desire to contact him again. You know nothing about him and you won’t mind. You don’t want to put your life based on anticipation.

You know you can live happily if you make good decisions and focus on growing that happiness in your life, even through small actions, through respect in your relationships. And when you start a project and you live your passions, you will therefore direct your energy towards your dreams. You are focusing on how to manifest them step by step. At least, even if you forget your twin flame while being busy with several things, the paths of your lives can cross again, so be in your most ideal version.

The second case: You simply let go.

This means you believe in your union but your stop chasing after it. To arrive at this state, your inner guidance and your belief in the divine will have to be unbreakable. With this, your chasing energies will decrease. And, therefore, the runner will also stop running. You will find an inner balance. This will surely impact the twin flame runner. And one day or another, the next stage of your journey will unlock.

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