Cosmic Energy Portal, February 23, 2023

The February 23 portal is open, and the energies have already begun to flow through it. If you placed yourselves in a space of greater expectation to receive abundance in these times, then this expectation will meet the opened portal on February 23.

The coming energies will assist you in attracting more of your soul family to you. This will be a time when more members of your tribe can show up in your space to co-create with you and remind you that you are not alone on this journey of ascension. Now, other people from other parts of the galaxy will be sending you different energies to support different purposes for all of you. And so, the wide range of energies available to you right now, and which will continue to come in, are much more varied.

Many of you who are awakened are surrounded by those who are not, even if they are humans you want to connect with. Therefore, the soul families that come together in the physical world play an important role in moving you to the next stage of your ascension journey as a collective. Those of you who are there to do grounding work need to feel more grounded. You need experiences of connection, and you need that support and stability that soul family members will give you when they appear in your lives.

Now you might wonder how to make those connections. All you have to do is to be yourself, keep living your life, and follow your happiness, and you’ll find yourself connecting with those other people you have a long history with inside this universe and all dimensions of the universe. Therefore, it is a good time to be energized, to expect good things and good people to come into your space, and it is also a good time to relax.

It is about reuniting with your soul family, your tribe, and those with whom you are going to feel most comfortable.

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