The full moon in the sign of Leo on Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sunday, February 5, brings an exciting Full Moon in Leo that will ignite our passions and desires. This full moon is about to bring unexpected changes.

Venus and Mars together, bring passion, desire, and aggression at the same time. Therefore, it is important to take control of our emotions, which can be extremely difficult to do. Two days before the full moon, the planet Uranus, which is in the earth sign, Taurus, activates the sun in Aquarius to reveal its true self.

On the day of the full moon, we will experience the emotionality of our awakening hearts.

Uranus connects with the moon on February 5 and asks us to express our innermost feelings to the world without hesitation. Since Mars in Gemini gives us an extra push to express our deepest feelings, we will just want to show them. Think of the energy of this full moon as a way that everything we’ve felt, good, and bad, comes out.
Even though we yearn to embrace our freedom, we will want to be kind to others since Mercury in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces are in harmony. No matter what is said on February 5, it can bring regrets and apologies, which is why it’s better to be compassionate towards others as well as ourselves throughout this period.

The reason we speak up and assert our power is because Mars and Uranus want us to break free and get out of circumstances that no longer work for us.

The veil has been lifted from our eyes, and we can see what change needs to take place for us to be successful and joyful. We are ready to move forward. What actions need to take place? Don’t let self-deception hold you back. The only thing to do is to ask yourself if you are thrilled in these situations. If you’re not, then you know it’s time to start over in another direction. Honesty and self-love lead us to our goals, and we will achieve the happiness of being truthful and real with ourselves.

Our need to control situations and others can keep us in unhealthy relationships and situations.

Also, the fear of change and growth that most of us carry deep within. Stepping out of our comfort zones – no matter if it’s a negative or positive experience – is hard sometimes. It is difficult for us to re-imagine life because of the consistency we need as humans. Without transformation, things will remain the same forever.

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