Do twin flames always know they have a special connection?

 Do twin flames always know they have a connection?

Yes, twin flames always have information in their subconscious about when they will meet, how they will meet, and what will happen between them. They may also have pre-birth agreements about their signs, for example, special notes or actions that will remind them that this is their Twin Flame.

Very often, the twins’ Higher Self sends them dreams about their twin flame before they meet. It comes at the right time for your soul.

Before meeting your twin flame, your mind won’t even be able to imagine and explain what happens when your soul shines, showing you that “something wonderful will happen and transform your whole life.”

The soul knows everything.

So why are we leaving each other after our recognition?

You are bound together for eternity. You can’t give up or forget each other, even if you think you can.

In terms of separation, it’s always temporary.

You are identical twin flames reincarnated as two human beings at the same time. It’s not a temporary relationship that you can just ignore.

If you try to keep yourself away from the journey, you will be brought back against your will.

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