If my twin flame doesn't want me, have they ever been my twin flame?

If my twin flame doesn’t want me, have they ever been my twin flame?

Do you ever think twin flames don’t exist?

The twin flame connection is not about looking for a romantic story. A twin flame is your spiritual partner. Meeting your twin flame initiates a spiritual awakening.

This connection is intense, unexpected, and very different from any other connection. And it is not necessary that you see the love of this partner from the first moment. It depends on their energy, and past events in their life. Many things come to the surface when you are faced with intense energy, like the presence of your divine partner.

You may often notice that your twin flame is uncomfortable seeing you.

Or that they hate you. You can’t even talk to each other normally.  As if there is intensity in your connection in negative way. However, slowly, as your journey progresses, things will change. Both of you are going to be awakened to this connection, and you will be in harmony with each other. Even though it is a long journey with lots of synchronicities, miracles, signs, etc.

In brief, don’t try to identify your connection based on your twin flame’s “romantic interest” in you.

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