If the twin flames unite before having done their individual work?

What will happen if twin flames decide to unite before they have done their work on themselves?

If you meet, fall in love, and live together. Can you separate afterward?

This is very ordinary when two people fall in love and then get together if there is nothing stopping them, whether they are twin flames or not.

Most of the time, twin flames don’t have a choice. The twin flame union occurs on five levels. Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, etherically, and physically. Your twin pushes you toward your spiritual Ascension and the activation of your soul mission.

It’s certainly not about living in the same house as a couple in love. Even if you do, it’s not what we call a Twin Flame union.

So if that kind of scenario exists, the real twin flame journey hasn’t really begun for them. So likely that they may separate.

There are twin flame couples – who meet and directly activate their mission without too many challenges. But these couples have already evolved to a certain level of understanding before they meet. Perhaps, they did their job in their past lives.

The twin flames who stay together as a romantic couple are both awakened and are actively working on their mission together.

It is a true physical union where all aspects of their energy and soul path are 100% aligned with each other and in harmony. They don’t feel the need to introduce themselves as twin flames.

If you are a twin flame, you need to work on yourself and go through the ascension process. Whether you live together under the same roof or not.

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