What happens when you meet your twin flame but don't recognize them?

What happens when you meet your twin flame, but you don’t recognize them?

In the first place, you will recognize your twin flame unconsciously. Because they will help you experience a very deep spiritual awakening that is not voluntary. It really depends on when your spiritual awakening will take place.

It is a necessary part of the Twin Flame journey.

Some people meet their divine partner early in life, and yet they only awaken to this spiritual truth later, going through too many experiences and challenges. Twin flames are not relationships or just life partners. Your twin is much more than that. They are your other spiritual half. You are two identical souls in essence. Everyone can have a different life experience from the other. And can be born under conditions that will not help them be with their twin flame.

You can recognize them, but you see that being together is impossible.

Only your soul will have hope and will push you to evolve. As soon as you meet your twin flame, one of the most important signs is that you want to evolve and grow even on the physical level and not only on the spiritual level. It is the search for a better life, the search for paradise.

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