Why my twin flame makes it so hard to let go?
If my twin flame doesn’t really want me, why do they make it so hard to leave? Why do they need my attention so much that they can’t let me go? In fact, it is a common trait of the twin flame relationship. They don’t want to be with you because of their ego, fears, insecurities, thinking, society, or those around them. But, your twin flame doesn’t want to lose you at the same time. Because somewhere, unconsciously, there is a hidden desire to connect with you. It can be at the conscious or subconscious level. This strong connection makes them want to keep in touch with you.
Most times, their way of thinking is unclear.
They don’t understand what is happening. Your twin flame prefers to see things logically. So this whole behavior is about confusing the emotions felt by the soul and the reasoning brain. However, this condition can be found between two ordinary people because of karmic ties. If you also believe in past lives, you can never imagine how much a person can be, in his subconscious mind, attached to you. You were his partner, and you were happy. Otherwise, it is an unfinished love story, the one that could not be with you, he has found you again. Same thing, when the soul remembers something that we do not understand it. Often when meeting someone, you will have some information downloads, you just need time to decipher it all. A person, in front of you, and you don’t know whether to approach or let go.
It is certain, there is a message from within to decode.
If you have found your twin flame, you must work to create a means of communication, it is first, between you and your soul. If you want to control your energy. And then decide about this relationship. If your thinking is positive, a force coming from within will support you. You will feel that you are a precious being. So you will say to yourself: If they come to join me, we will have a happy and extraordinary life, otherwise I respect my twin flame’s decision.
Simply, you want to do a lot of things and changes.
You don’t want to spend hours thinking “Why do they show me they don’t want me when I feel they do.” By working on yourself and on “I deserve”, even if you are not destined to be with your twin in this life, you can attract a person according to the level of vibrations you reach, this means a person who brings more happiness to your life. Don’t stay alone, live your life naturally.