How to trust the divine time?

How to trust the divine time?

You may already know that everything is happening in the divine moment, but knowing or trusting and believing that it is can make a big difference. Fortunately, there are spiritual practices you can do to help you trust the divine time more and strengthen your belief that the Universe and everything is truly working in your favor, for you.

The Meaning of Divine Time

What is divine time, exactly? It is the belief that everything in your life is happening at exactly the right time. Although things or events may seem difficult, unusual, or meaningless, divine timing assures you that the Universe places people, things, challenges, and more in your life when you can handle them.

Divine time always happens.

Soon you will be able to see the people or ideas that have entered your life lately and really understand why they appear in your life.

Why trust in divine time?

It is an amazing feeling to know that you are being guided and that things are really happening for a reason. There is always a lesson to be learned from everything.

It is also important to note that you are a co-creator in your life. It is up to you to co-create with the Universe by seeing those things that are put into your life at the divine moment and then working with them.

How do you know when you’re ready?

The universe will never give you anything you are not ready for. You can argue that and say things happen to you at the wrong times, but you’re absolutely prepared for whatever happens when it does.

You need to look back and reflect on how many challenges you have faced in your life and see how much you have grown through those challenges. Maybe you’re going through a very difficult time or a challenge right now and you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Know that you are absolutely ready for anything that comes your way and that you can go through anything that comes your way. You just have to have absolute faith that this test, this challenge, is what you need to grow in order to level up, in order to become your best self.

What you are going through will teach you the lesson you need to hear.

Divine time, the Universe, will never give you anything you are not ready for. If you weren’t ready, you wouldn’t get the signs, you wouldn’t get the ideas to do what you want to do or feel you should do.

How to trust that everything happens at the divine moment? How can you trust that everything will be fine?

A lot of people absolutely love being in control and knowing when things are going to happen, divine time and the whole concept of it can be very hard to come to terms with.

You know that divine time is working in your favor, but how do you really believe it is? Start by knowing the signs of the divine time and follow these simple tips that will allow the Universe to fully support you.

Learn to let go

When you let go, and stop forcing things to happen to you, you make room in your life for things to happen. Letting go allows you to let go of control, often accompanied by stress and anxiety.

When you completely let go of expectations and control yourself, you allow the Universe to guide you down the path that is best for you, not the path you think is best for you. Sometimes you can get stuck on an outcome and not realize how much more potential there is for you.

Be patient

Learning to be patient is the practice necessary to fully trust the divine time. You cannot rush what the Universe has planned for you and if you try you will only lead yourself down a road of stress, anxiety, and frustration.

Good things happen just when you need them. The next time you feel like rushing something, ask yourself how you can feel right now the feeling you want to feel from what you are rushing towards.

Avoid over-planning

Again, divine timing is all about letting go and releasing any ideas you have for your future. Yes, you can absolutely plan things out, but over-planning will just show the Universe that you have no faith in what lies ahead.

Surrender to the unknown

A hard thing to do, but learning to surrender to what might be is a beautiful practice that will help you accept new things that come your way with open arms.

The unknown is not something to be feared, it is something to fully embrace and when you learn to completely surrender to the unknown you will allow people, events, situations, and more to come to you. You will not prevent these things from entering your life and you will not doubt that they are coming to you for a divine reason.

Examples of Divine Time

It seems to you that the same things come up again and again.
For example, different people may mention a book or name to you multiple times or meet the same person over and over again. Pay attention to the amount of things that appear in your life.

You feel a call to go somewhere or do something that feels out of the ordinary.
Intuitively, you’ll know when it’s time for you to visit a certain place, join a program, etc. Often these calls seem totally random, trust them. Plus, what’s wrong with trying something new?

Pay attention to what’s not happening.

Do you focus a lot on something that isn’t working? Or are you really trying to succeed? If you’ve been trying for a while, maybe it’s because you’re just not ready or it’s not for you. It is also a divine time process. Give up or be patient.

How to Avoid Spiritual Bypass

It is very important to note not to use divine time for spiritual bypassing. It doesn’t mean you can sit and wait for it to happen or always surrender (which many people in the spiritual community like to do).

There has to be a balance between doing, the masculine energy, and letting go and flowing, which is the feminine energy. If you are out of balance, forcing too much, or giving up too much, things won’t work out.

You are given clues and signs as divine times. This is when you take inspired action for the things for which you are called.

Know that things will become clearer to you. You just have to look for the signs and understand that everything will work, perfectly as expected.

One of the universal laws is the law of attraction, which is what everyone thinks manifestation is.

But another one of the universal laws is the law of action. The Law of Attraction is great, but it encourages people to sit and wait. You must help create the things that happen for you, you must also follow the universal law of action.

Remember, you are a co-creation of your life. It’s all happening for you, not yours, and it’s all happening in divine times, which you are always, always ready to receive.

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