I stopped the chase but I still think of my twin flame.
I have decided to stop chasing but every now and then I think of my twin flame.
Does this delay our reunion? Giving up doesn’t mean you have to forget about your twin flame or not think about them! This is the biggest misconception when it comes to understanding what letting go means for twin flames! What can really delay your union is the lack of inner work, the resistance you create in your mind by doubting and creating assumptions in your connection. Surrender is having a life without resistance, giving all your worries to the divine, and believing in the union. It is completely acceptable to visualize union with your twin flame while being in surrender.
What exactly does letting go mean?
- DON’T set a deadline for things.
For example: “I want my twin flame back in the next two months”.
- Do not put a hypothesis on the situation or your state of mind.
For example: “If it becomes possible for them to leave their current partner, everything will be fine”.
for example “If I don’t do anything, nothing will happen. I have to send them messages! I have to follow their social media profiles!”
In brief, you haven’t met your twin flame to feel like your life isn’t worth living if there isn’t a union. Excessive thoughts will become like a heavy weight, you may feel like your time has stopped while everyone around you is in motion.
In general, all past events, let go of them. This life is made up of too many paths, often you are on your own, and at other times you deviate. You live your experiences and let go of what can stop you. You don’t know what your future is hiding for you.