If my twin flame's higher self tells me that it's not ready for union, how do I know if it's forever?

If my twin flame’s higher self tells me that it’s not ready for union, how do I know if it’s forever?

If you have met your twin flame, you are meant to be together in this lifetime. When you meditate on your twin’s higher self in order to ask it about your connection; but if it says it is not ready for the Union, that almost certainly means it is not ready now, not forever.

This question should ideally be posed to your twin flame’s higher self. But higher selves are not always able to be specific about how long a twin’s ascension journey will be. This is because time is not linear in the spiritual world, it is energetic.

Although you want to know when and if your twin will be ready, your path forward is exactly the same, whether your twin is ready for you this month, this year, or next year.

Your twin flame is your mirror soul. It always reflects your subconscious relationship with yourself. So, your twin flame, by not being ready for union, means you are not union ready either. This is actually good news because you can influence your twin’s readiness through your own.

It will be nearly impossible for your twin flame not to prepare themselves for Union as long as you do the work to let go of your ego and align with your soul; heal fear in your common field, live each day with peace and joy; focus your thoughts and beliefs to bond with the Union; and carry out your mission with passion.

When you do this with faith and intention, your twin will have no chance of doing anything but getting ready for Union. Your shared energy is too strong and you will literally remove all energy blockages that prevent you from coming together permanently.

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