Twin flames are high vibration

1. Twin flames are high vibrational beings who incarnate together.

Twin flames are here with a collective purpose that goes beyond their personal aspiration and desire. They clear their energy and they come back to their original frequency. So they help others with whom they are in contact, and the environment.

Twin flames are not alone, they are surrounded by many angels and ascended spiritual entities.

Twin flames form diverse collectives… They belong to the same cosmic ocean, they are in Unity consciousness, and they are in alignment with the Soul.

2. Twin flames are very vibrational but each pair has a unique frequency.

Twin flames are not friends, they are not family members, they are not co-workers. They are divine partners – a sacred couple. Their sexual energy is very intense and pure magnetic. Their sexuality is sacred and with high frequency.

Twin flames take a journey unique and specific according to their individual frequency. There are no two stories alike, and no two journeys alike, but they all follow the same principle. Overcome darkness, undo karma, and raise the vibration.

Purification is done in stages, it cannot be otherwise because the physical self needs to adapt and this takes time. It affects all levels of your being and impacts every aspect of your journey.

3. You should pay particular attention to the signs:

Your body changes, and so does your diet, your daily routines, your hygiene, your reactions to environmental factors, your need for certain types of activities and exercises, or your need for contact with other beings and exchange.

You must have your own daily, monthly, and seasonal rituals in order to, purify, clean energies, align and connect, correctly.

At some point in your journey when you align with divine feminine or divine masculine energies. You enter a mission phase. In order to express your unique essence, you always have to get rid of the layers of ego.

4. Either you are a twin flame or you are not.

There is nothing else. Those who are not twin flames have their own sacred path and they should align with their true selves and go their own way.

5. It is a journey of discovery.

Seek inner affirmation – there is no smaller or bigger journey. You always compare yourself to others.
Your self-esteem is always an issue.

You have certain fears of letting go. Releasing this inner resistance ultimately brings discernment and helps clear confusion in order to see the exact picture, and receive clear vision and divine inspiration.

Twin flames have an endless amount of releasing and letting go. You cannot receive higher frequencies if you have not let go of your lower frequencies and/or your attachments. For example, attachment to an image of yourself, attachment to a character, a mask, a false sense of self, attachment to toxic habits, or attachment to material objects.

 As long as you feel the need to protect yourself from "psychic attacks", it indicates that you still need to release the dark material within. Until you embrace your whole self in all its dimensions, you still have inner reconciliation to work on. Until you are ready for total Sacred Union with your twin, you still have unfinished work to do. The journey is simple and complex, obvious and mysterious.

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