What are karmic contracts and how to break them

What are karmic contracts and how to break them

According to the Law of Karma, for every action there is a reaction. To put it simply, if you do something bad, you will have to pay for it, and if you do something good, you will eventually receive a gift. Karmic contracts help create balance, and you probably have one right now.

What is a karmic contract?

karmic contracts mean to live and experience what needs to be lived and experienced. Contracts teach you, they create balance, make you a better person, and even heal you.

Karmic contracts are formed in order to eliminate negative actions (karma). Trying to avoid all the unpleasant experiences of these contracts often means missing out on important lessons and goals. Karmic contracts help force us to do something that we have to experience in physical form. Karmic contracts remind us that no matter how resistant and afraid we become, we will fulfill our contractual obligations sooner or later. Failing to fulfill our contracts means that we will continue to reincarnate over and over again and face the same painful lessons over and over again until we succeed.

For the laws of life, balance is extremely important. Certain events in our life may seem terrible from a human point of view, but karma seeks balance, it is ruthless and just. Although we cannot escape our karmic contracts, there may be opportunities to fulfill them either painfully or more easily through healing experiences and lessons.

How to break karmic contracts?

You can’t break them or just forget about them. But what should you do if you are not sure what your karmic contract asks you to do? What choices do you have to make?

Doing good deeds accumulates positive energy. Doing good always feels good, and all that flow of good energy can eventually help you clear past karma, but of course, you can’t do it quickly. You will probably need your whole life to achieve this.

To fulfill your karmic contracts, you must become thoughtful. Become aware of your actions and even your thoughts. This is the first step to fulfilling your karmic contracts – be connected to yourself, analyze your thoughts and be kind.

How to overcome karmic contracts?

The other way to fulfill your contracts is to surpass them. Some say it’s the most effective way because doing good deeds without understanding what you need to learn or accomplish may feel satisfying, but in some cases, it doesn’t help you fulfill your contracts quickly.

Karmic unions are relationships where two people are attached to each other (even after reincarnating) because of the pain that unites them. The reason they keep meeting is because they need to learn their lessons and break free.

Imagine that in one of your past lives you caused someone so much pain. Understanding this topic in your relationship and realizing if you are causing the same amount of pain in this lifetime can be the first step to learning your lessons and overcoming your contract. The next step is to get forgiveness. Show that you have learned the lesson.

This is how you can overcome your karmic contract and learn a lesson. You change your reaction to a repetitive pattern and you finally break free!

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