Why do I feel so distant from my twin flame?

Why do I feel so distant from my twin flame, and why is this happening?

Initially with soul recognition and during the love bubble phase, what happens to your etheric energy is that it will all go to your divine partner. This energy will always flow from the Divine Feminine to the Divine Masculine, never the other way around.

This creates the illusion of feeling the energy of your Divine Masculine when in reality your own energy has flown into their field and you are feeling your energy, not theirs.

This “leakage” of energy is also the reason why one feels extremely exhausted during the separation phase. Your energy is not where it is supposed to be and you feel that you no longer have the strength to endure this suffering.

When you begin to work on yourself during the separation phase.

Your energy will slowly return to you, or you can also consciously bring your energy back to you. (It’s actually not healthy to have your etheric energy in someone else’s field – even if it’s your twin flame).

When you remark that your energy is back, you will never feel your twin flame the same way again. The way you may “feel” them will be different – it’s more about knowing that you are one. You begin to feel unity consciousness and you feel so much better.

The moment you stopped obsessively thinking about your twin.

Your fears will arise – because usually you think about your twin flame so much. You will therefore feel like you have lost them and therefore you are back to your obsession. It is the same with energy.

You are meant to have your own life experience and your divine partner as well. Once you live from Soul consciousness, this energy will bring your twin flame back into your life.

Then the energy changes again. When your astral energy is fully balanced, you begin to act as one unit. You smell something that would be good. The twin flame is not a romantic relationship. It is a connection and all you do is be. Be the soul that you are.

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