Why do twin flames not communicate in 3D since they are connected in other dimensions?
Most true twin flames find themselves in difficult karmic relationships when they meet their twin flames. This makes sense, because we all live a 3D life, like the rest of the world around us, before we found our twin flame. We seek love and happiness. But when the change comes, no matter the condition of the twin, they want to run away even for a short time.
At first, one or both twins begin to test their feelings.
They try to examine why the separation took place.
Friends and family make them doubt their perceptions because they don’t understand why this feeling is intense.
Then, the general circumstances of life become more difficult.
So the twin flames try to figure out what’s true in this chaos.
Emotional pain and old trauma come to the surface.
They recheck their old perceptions and beliefs.
They understand that they need to make changes in their lives.
Communication between the two twins can take time. Because, until healing the wounds, and learning to let go and forgive, the twin flame can choose to run away by wishing happiness to their divine partner.