Can explaining the connection to your twin flame hinder the process?

Can explaining the connection to your twin flame hinder the process?

The explanation of the twin flame connection and concept is not really necessary.
Your twin may not be ready to hear it. Or they will not be able to understand them from within. This means that they need, in the first place, a certain level of consciousness that allows them to say that it exists. So explaining a twin flame concept may not really make a big difference.

Just admit your feeling. Share how you feel about your connection.

For example, you can tell your twin flame that your relationship is very deep and strong and that there is something more between you two. Confronting how you feel about your connection to your twin flame is the first and most fundamental step.

Always remember, twin flames are meant to be brave hearts. So, stay away from fear, if you want to walk this path successfully.

Fear can really block the process.

Many think that if they confess their feelings. If they talk about what they feel deep down, things can go wrong. Fear of stepping out of your comfort zone causes you to be where you are without progress! If you believe in yourself, your love and the divine, nothing should bother you. The journey is not easy. Be ready to face whatever comes your way.

Maybe after your confrontation, your twin flame may not respond the way you want them to. Be ready to face it. Unless you are ready, by all means, things are not going to change.

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