How does a twin flame chaser know it’s time to stop the chase?
The chaser feels mentally exhausted to continue the pursuit. It can also become nearly impossible to get things under control. In such a scenario, the chaser may completely decide to let everything go, and move on.
Here, the runner feels a certain emptiness that will guide them to begin their healing process. They are going to heal a lot of broken pieces inside of them that came to light shortly after meeting their twin flame. And, at the same time, without trying to cling to that unconditional love, the chaser learns not to chase the other. That doesn’t mean abandoning them, they are just working on accepting that the main purpose of meeting their twin flame in this life is not always for a 3D union.
The chaser gets to where every effort is made and nothing changes.
They realize from within that they must surrender to the divine.
Most of the time, the chaser has learned a lot spiritually by reaching that level and this new way of thinking. They believe in the union, but they decide to surrender instead of chasing.
However, in such cases, even if the chaser moves on to live his life to the fullest, the journey does not end. It activates at the right time later. Maybe a few years later, when the two twin flames get the life lessons they were meant to follow.
Twin flames are here to help each other grow and heal past hurts and traumas while holding a place in each other’s hearts.