How long can the twin flame stay with a karmic partner?

How long can the twin flame stay with a karmic partner?

How long can a true twin flame stay with a karmic partner, while they know their soul is connected to someone else?

We have 3 cases

1. The twin flame stays with their partner until the karmic contract is complete.

In fact, karmic contracts are made in order to eliminate negative actions and clear karma. We can also offer support to our karmic partner for certain reasons. Or, on the contrary, we can get help from our karmic partner.

We may have certain life experiences with these karmic partners, or learn something specific.

It is also very important to see if you are doing your inner work on this journey. Most of the time, the reason for not being in a twin flame union is karmic commitments. But the real reason is that your twin is not yet ready for Union. This work and the accomplishments of this journey will most likely take place when the twin flame is with their karmic partner.

2. The twin flame stays with their partner until they react according to their free will

Of course, the karmic contract shouldn’t end just to be with a twin flame. But, one should also not stay too long in karmic relationships if the person is guided to end these relationships. Many people live in fear and uncertainty and they continue with relationships that are already over.

3. Divine time.

Everything in your life is happening at exactly the right time. Although things or events may seem difficult, unusual, or meaningless, divine timing assures you that the Universe places people, things, challenges, and more in your life when you can handle them.

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