Should two people be aware that they are twin flames?

Should two people be aware that they are twin flames?
Do two people have to be aware of the fact that they are twin flames in order to achieve union?
In fact, the word “twin flame” is only a label!

This phenomenon and experience existed even when there was no term called “twin flame”.

It doesn’t matter what we call it. Twin flames, or something else, we will live the same experience!

Spontaneously, you will feel something like recognition. That this person belongs to you, that something brings you together even if there were thousands of differences. There is an inner acceptance for a specific person.

It is therefore unnecessary for you or your twin to know the term “twin flame”.
Even if your twin seems not at all spiritual and is not interested in spiritualities or the divine signs, such as dreams, repeating numbers, and telepathy. They will have life lessons that will lead them to their awakening of the soul. Eventually, they will go through the process of spiritual awakening and they will feel things somewhere inside.

When two twin flames reach union, it will be because of their ascension process, experience, understanding, and learning. Whether or not they are aware that they are true twin flames.

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