Why is the Twin Flame relationship different?

Why is the Twin Flame relationship different?
There are many such beautiful relationships in this world, but what is the difference between these and the twin flame relationship? It’s the madness. Have you ever had a feeling of mad love?
An incredibly strong feeling following the meeting with a special person. You have the same vibrations, and you are sending them to each other simultaneously. You can imagine this person as if they were really in front of you. Often you think no one can understand you except the one who has experienced this same state of love without borders.

This madness is what creates energy within.
You discover you become a writer, a painter, or a musician. In general, you will discover that you have a lot of talents as if they explode suddenly and your talents inspire the world. Your creative aspect will surprise you. What’s really going on? It’s a feeling like there is a fire inside of you. An energy that can turn everything upside down, and you want to express it, in some way. You know souls meet first, so if you have strange feelings, deep down, be sure that soon you will meet someone unlike any other, it is your twin flame.

And you also know that everyone has their own experiences and conditions.
If you find it impossible to be with your twin, you may prefer to leave and wish them all the best. Otherwise, from the first time you meet, you never choose separation, you will decide to get married and be together forever. Love connects you, and each of you wants to see the other happy. Cleanse your aura and let the light illuminate your dark paths. So, you will know where to go. You learn to say no, and you will know how to adapt to a new way of thinking.

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