How do I stop longing for my twin flame?

The more you become in alignment with yourself. The less you yearn for something outside yourself that makes you happy. You yearn for your twin flame. Because you believe that your happiness lies outside of you, with your twin. It is called chasing.

The desire goes away when you realize you don’t need anyone. Or anything outside of you to make you happy. You create your own peace within yourself. You naturally enjoy your life, with nothing or anyone to complete you. If you go down this path. You will see signs that your twin flame will come back and awakens.

They will behave in a way similar to your way of thinking, but just a little later than you. There is something to learn on this journey. It’s that the less you focus on your twin, the less they focus on themselves. And the more you focus on yourself, the more they focus on you. Perhaps, it is extremely difficult to know, that stopping thinking about your twin flame is a way to calm the energies between you.

But that takes a part of your own growth.

The healing you do for yourself helps you realize your twin will come back to you. When you are happy without them. Remember that, everything you do for yourself. Intending to become a better person, will benefit your twin. Try, every time, to choose love for yourself. Try to keep believing in your journey. And that your twin flame will wait for you at the end.

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