I am about to give up my twin flame for a soul mate.

I am about to give up my twin flame for a soul mate. I have the impression that the twin flame journey is not made for reunions.

In fact, if this is a true twin flame connection, you are meant to be reunited and you ARE on this journey, regardless of your condition.

Many try to integrate a twin flame connection into a marriage/committed love relationship model. However, it is not about that. This connection has more.

If you are constantly put in situations where you feel like you are being led to choose your soul mate, it could be part of the divine plan you have chosen for yourself and your guides are leading you there.

That’s absolutely right. You have to embrace things with gratitude for what comes your way.

However, that does not mean (if you are a true twin flame) that you are now exiting your journey. You don’t need to get tangled up in the label of “twin flames.”

And it’s not wrong to live your life to the fullest with soul mates. They are in your life for a reason. But, above all, when you meet a person, you must determine if it is your twin, if not do not waste time on them, work on yourself. If you have a twin flame there, you will attract them.

Right now, it seems like everyone is putting the Twin Flame label on relationships that really aren’t Twin Flames. The twin flame journey is a soul contract and is really more of a spiritual journey than a romantic journey, nothing like a romantic soulmate relationship, far from it.

The twin flame journey is all about unconditional love for yourself and unconditional love for the Divine. It’s about purging everything that doesn’t serve you. The ego has no place in this journey. Great spiritual growth must take place before you can love your twin or even get to know your twin.

Your Divine union must be the ultimate reward for doing all the work and being in a state of love, surrender and acceptance of what The Divine brings to you. Let go of any preconceptions you have about twin flame journey, union, etc. because it will be nothing like you can imagine, it will be better.

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