I want to let go of my twin flame completely. Can I?

I want to let go of my twin flame completely. Can I?
Yes, you should if you feel it.
(And if this is truly a twin flame connection) Two things can happen: You will truly be able to move on (other than the attachment) and another phase of your life will unfold. Moving on will completely help you manage your energy of worry, pursuit, and anxiety. You will enter a new life without resistance. This scenario will probably become very favorable for a potential reunion.

Most importantly, you are aligned with yourself.
You stop chasing your twin flame. You can surely move on from the “relationship” but the “connection” will often be felt. And if it wasn’t a twin flame connection at all, you could finally let go of this label and truly move on. So in all cases, trying to really move on, is worth it.

So if we said you can move on then the first question you are going to ask:

How do I move on from a twin flame situation?
We all know that a twin flame relationship is a soul tie for life. So, your options are to choose to learn the lessons you are meant to do with this connection and to enter into an unconditional love for yourself that will also manifest in your reality or to fight for your spiritual growth.

So, here “move on”, means:
You move with the different phases of the journey. You accept yourself. You accept love. You accept your twin as they are. You learn to find peace in each day as it is and to find joy in your life, every day. You understand that you are creating your own identity. However, if you want more difficulty, you will get exactly that. And if you want more love, more acceptance, more understanding, that too will show up in your life.

Many of us fight this journey instead of accepting it.
We can’t change our twin flame, we can’t change who they are. That we care about their love, we just have to let go. What it meant for you will find you, in the divine moment. You can leave the rest to the universe. Over time, you will find it easier to let go. Easier to not obsess over the little things you can’t control and to try more and more to live in the moment. Patience is something you still need to work on.

The other biggest lesson shows that trust is part of this journey.
Trusting things will happen the way they are supposed to and when they are supposed to happen. We have become a society that wants everything to be instantaneous and immediate. It’s like learning the piano. It’s harder to teach adults because they know what the skill looks like. Children love to be able to play the simplest but adults want to play more urgently, not understanding that it takes years to be good at the piano. Working on yourself on a daily basis can only benefit everyone. Being a better person also benefits you. Hope goes a long way in this journey as it does in many things in life.

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