If my twin flame is happily married to someone else, then our union would never happen. Is it correct?
No. This is not true if we consider it to be a true twin flame connection.
First of all, for you or your twin, being married and meeting a twin flame are two different things. The twin flame is NOT your “ideal romantic partner”. A twin flame does NOT come into your life to be your life partner.
The purpose of meeting a twin flame is completely different and spiritual. Your twin flame becomes the reason for your spiritual transformation.
Reuniting twin flames is NOT about staying romantically together as a couple under one roof. It is much more than that and it will take place when the two twin flames undergo some inner transformation and align with each other on four levels beyond the physical. It is on an ethereal, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.
That doesn’t mean twin flames aren’t a couple — they can, but it doesn’t depend on their marital status. If the twins work on themselves, believe in divine direction, take action when needed, and surrender the outcome – being in a union on all levels is absolutely possible.
That’s why, I advise you to live the beginning of your twin flame relationship and not regret anything. Because afterward, you will feel, that there is a mission to do. Like a journey of learning, you will finally succeed. You are not alone. When your soul takes action, you will feel an unusual connection with a whole spiritual world and the weirdest thing is that these beings, invisible to the naked eye, really love you. Each of us has a different level of sensitivity about receiving information from other dimensions. There are those who work on it and others as a natural gift. In brief, the journey of a twin flame is more mysterious than just the physical reunion. You will understand this over time.