Is it even possible for twin flames to be together?

Is it even possible for twin flames to be together?
The whole purpose of the Twin Flame journey is to come together in physical union.

For what?

Because the love energy generated from the physical union creates and adds light to the consciousness of the planet. (Two hearts are better than one) applies here.

The reason you can perceive most twin flame couples in separation is solely due to the purification process that must take place for the two to come together physically to generate this expansive multitude of light.

The Separation/Purification stage of this journey is the most difficult and time-consuming task because the transition of the ego (which is so attached to the material world) must be released in order to begin to perceive life through the pure center frequency of the heart and soul.

If you truly desire a physical union with your twin flame partner; Focus on divine service.
You are here individually as well as divine partners to fulfill your soul purpose. Try to understand the lessons and contributions that you are here to experience and overcome.

Focus on what you love, work on deepening your intimacy with Source/Universe/God. This is the source of infinite love. The nature of your twin flame connection was born for the sole soul purpose of radiating love frequency into the planet (consciousness of humanity.)

Believe and trust the signs, be grateful for your healing, and journey toward unity, wholeness, and awareness of the truth of who you truly are: Love.

What you focus on grows!

Focus on separation and you will be separated.

Concentrate on the union, and you will be in union easily and effortlessly.

Your destiny is to create your personal paradise on earth and with your twin flame.

When you believe it. You will see it.

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