Is it true that twins are two halves of the same soul?

Is it true that twin flames are two halves of the same soul?
You will unconsciously and undeniably be sure that you are half of your Twin Flame and that they are your half when you meet in person. You come from different backgrounds, but the familiarity with each other is strange. So, you seem to be one soul in two bodies.

Only someone who has met a Twin Flame can attest to the fact that you feel you know what they are thinking. You can feel their moods. Their joys or their sadness have a direct impact on you.

Sometimes you can predict each other’s needs. You also feel you are living inside each other with a shared consciousness.

Even though you are physically separated from each other, you feel a sense of shared energy with your Twin Flame. You feel its essence with you wherever you go.

Sometimes meeting a Twin Flame feels like a challenge; once their energy is activated, everything changes direction. Your connection makes you more aware of your future relationships. Your definition of love and relationships changes.

You embark on a journey of spontaneous self-rediscovery – your life changes forever!

After meeting your twin, a process of purifying your energy and raising your vibration is triggered. Above all, inner work must be done. It is a personal Ascension. With other soul mate relationships, it’s much slower. When you meet your twin, it is amplified and accelerated. That’s why it’s so difficult.

As well, it is so important that you have cleared your energy, so you can keep your high vibrational state.

As One with your twin (and not necessarily together physically, but in true harmony with them), you are a very powerful entity. You will be fulfilling a mission of service to the twin flame collective and the Ascension of this planet. It is the force of the energy of your Unconditional Love, which is the Love that you certainly have for each other.

We ourselves chose this journey, before incarnating here. We knew we could achieve total harmony with our twin flame. Even if it seems difficult, it is quite possible to do it. You have your Soul, your Spirit Guides, and your Twin’s Higher Self to help and guide you if you ask them.

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