The messages are guidance and not confirmation.
Messages are guidance, not confirmation. Messages show up to offer you important advice. They neither confirm nor deny anything. Some messages may appear to confirm one special message. But, if you were to ask “Is this my real twin flame”, you will receive a confirmation message saying:” WE HEARD YOU”. Therefore, that’s not really the case, this does not confirm the existence of a Twin Flame. (As you know, the Twin Flames don’t actually need that kind of confirmation. The Twin Flames have no doubts about their existence, it’s just…our twin flame…) Anyway either, once the “we hear you” reach us, from that moment on, we are destined to ask for the advice we need.
Example of an Accurate Interpretation = Let’s say the 11 appears on your watch or phone while you are driving… The 11 means “pay attention, something is about to manifest.” So you must refer the road to your current life path, and the clock to divine time. The interpretation would be: “Pay attention to the time, of what you are manifesting on the path you are currently on”.
Do the messages keep coming until you “get it”? Your messages will continue to appear until you correctly understand your message. The same ones will keep coming and sometimes in different forms as an effort from the guides trying harder to get the person to understand them and will stop once you properly get the meaning. They will stop because you will not need more guidance, about that matter. They will show up again when and if you need guidance again.
Should you constantly seek guidance and confirmation everywhere and all the time? While it is important to receive and understand your guidance, especially during your Runner/Chaser dynamic of the journey, if you keep looking for something, you will find it. The brain has what is called confirmation bias. In other words, when something is in your mind or in your subconscious, you will absolutely find it. When you seek confirmation of something, it becomes even MORE intense. Remember that guidance will come organically if you are aware of it. You don’t have to search for it, it will just be there. Stay open and aware and allow the messages to come, so you can misinterpret less, and can only see what is meant specifically for YOU. This makes it more complete, easier, and faster.
Do not doubt. Do not be afraid. Do not engage in overthinking. Don’t be the thinker. Just be open and willing to allow.