What will motivate a twin flame to come back?

What will motivate a twin flame to come back?
Letting go shifts the energy between you two. You are going to feel the shift in energy when your twin starts running and when they stop. Even if you are not fully awakened to the connection yet. But when your twin is unaware of the energy dynamic, this unawareness shifts the energy and makes them think a lot about you. But that doesn’t stop them from running or convince them to come back. Surrender is essential.

The Divine will very carefully place karmic lessons in your twin’s path.
It leads them where they need to go. Your twin flame will go through a dark night of the soul and begin to heal on their own. Then, they can unblock all chakras and open their mind and heart to connection. This is where healing is very important on both sides. As you work on healing, you are raising the energy of your twin, and they are feeling the shift in energy. This subconsciously pushes them to heal as well.

However, awakening can be triggered by looking beyond healing. However, what you are really missing is something else, it is your faith… And when you start looking for faith… You will find FAITH in your destiny.

Then why the running does not stop?
There is a misconception that once the runner returns or awakens, they stop running. No, they may not physically run… They may be in the same place with you in 3D, but they will “run” emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and/or etherically. It takes a lot of triggering, healing, and balancing of energies to reach where running is less frequent. The key is communication… When you communicate with your twin, you can solve problems together.

Know that before meeting your Twin Flame, you have never experienced unconditional love and it may seem very unusual to you. It is normal not to know what to do for a long period of time. It takes a long time for your running twin to accept the love you have for your twin because they don’t think they are worthy of being loved. They cannot accept your love until they love themselves. But knowing that no matter how your twin reacts, they love you unconditionally, despite everything you’ve been through. There is no competition with that kind of love.

Your twin’s soul can never abandon you.
And it will never stop trying to reach you. You are going to be surprised that your twin contacts you in 5D via dreams, and in 4D with telepathic discussions… but also you are going to be faced with a 3D encounter. You will see your twin very unexpectedly. Likewise, you’re going to feel and know how they feel about you, like they’ll never give up… not just in 5D, but in 3D. You are going to feel that, despite everything, you are never really blocked in the twin flame relationship.

You will see the amount of perseverance and patience they had to successfully put their pieces together. Your twin awaits you with so much love in their heart, knowing that one day you will come back to them.

The most important thing about this journey is their EMPATHY for you and for the journey.
It is so important; your twin reflects you. You experience the same challenges… and you face them in opposite ways. How you feel = how they feel. The Divine has given you the same trauma, so you can sympathize with your twin…and vice versa. Your twin understands you better than anyone in the entire universe. They will patiently wait, not only, for you to awaken, but also patiently for you to finally understand what happened between you… There has always been a work in progress. This is why, other than love, you have to have compassion in your relationship.

This is what will bring you back to your twin flame, their Love, their Patience and their Empathy.

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