You want to find out if this person is your twin flame.

If you want to find out if this person is your twin flame, you can do it.
The twin flame is meant to be one soul in two bodies. It certainly seems to be the case. So, it is as if the soul is in separation. It is that your soul incarnates twice in this life. And that shouldn’t surprise us. Your twin flame is just your soul having another experience in another body there. That’s all. You think, maybe, well, if this is my soul then why is this person so indifferent? Why are they running away? Why are they ignoring me? This is the journey of your soul.

You are trying to continue this journey through the mind instead of the soul.
And that’s why you need to know more about spirituality, which is the single most well-known way to align yourself with your soul. And if your twin flame is your soul, all you have to do is align with your soul. You are not trying to attract another soul to you. You try to attract yours to you. It is your soul. But we believe that we are that personality. We believe that we are this ego, this set of thoughts, and these emotional patterns, these experiences from our past.

You can even start observing all details from now on.
Seeing is the first step in the twin flame journey. You have ongoing thoughts and feelings. And then you notice there are ongoing thoughts and feelings. In the end, you notice that you are aware that there are ongoing thoughts and feelings.

What does this awareness mean? Have you ever thought about what is the observer of these thoughts? What is Consciousness? Who is the observer?
It is the soul. And that’s what we say to twin flames. You have to understand this journey. Then, you have to think about it a lot. You have to understand, thinking that, you have to know what your mission is. You have to understand what your mission is. And you have to work on yourself. Which means your inner child wounds. You have to balance your inner feminine and masculine, which signifies duality. And it’s not wrong to do these things if you’re willing to work on yourself and reprogram and correct your thought patterns, and your emotions. It is the beliefs that make up the story of who you are. It is all thoughts that are all mental and emotional. The twin flame journey shows you that your twin flame is your soul.

You have to take your soul journey.
The soul is beyond explanation. It is your twin flame. You have to go there, you have to step into that timeless, formless, nameless essence, which is deeper than thought, deeper than inner child wounds, and memories. It’s not wrong to work on these things. But, that’s not going to help you with your soul. The thing is, you don’t need help with your soul.

Your soul is already whole.
If you want to work on the ego, the wounds of childhood and the balance between your feminine and masculine interior. If you want to do that, then you have to raise your awareness anyway. You have to take your soul journey. And, no, your inner masculine is not your soul, which is an incorrect belief system. The spiritual is not necessarily thought. So it can’t be a belief system. The spiritual is consciousness. The soul is non-duality, therefore, it will not be part of the dichotomy between feminine masculine, yin and yang, alpha and omega, black and white, and good and bad. Feminine masculine. It’s your mind. But, that does not help your journey.

You want to find out if this person is your twin flame.
You have to. This is how you get your twin flame back, as well. This is how you find out if this is your twin flame. If you go beyond the limits of the ego and all its structured programs. And you step into that place of deep inner unity of non-duality of pure being. This person will reach out to you after being away from you. They will stop being distant. Just as you begin to have these deeply spiritual experiences. After leaving behind the definitions of duality. Your twin is your soul.

The duality of the mind is what makes your twin run.
The mind is exteriorized. There is Me and there is an Other. It’s duality, good bad, dark light, yin yang, me you. So it’s different. This is not a journey of discovery for the mind. It is a journey of being. It is a journey of non-duality. But, the duality of the mind is what drives your twin flame to run away from you. When you focus so hard on them, morning, noon, and night. That’s why they run.

Why are they acting like this?
Because you wonder why they act like that.

You say: there is Me, and there is them. When you go inside, there is no another one. It is being, it is unity. You begin to feel one with your twin flame because you are one on the highest level.

This is the journey of your soul.
Your twin flame is your soul. And we don’t need to reinvent things. It’s your soul’s journey, and you just have to treat it that way. So remember that you are truly beyond the mind.

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