7 signs of a close twin flame reunion

7 signs of a close twin flame reunion
In this journey of spiritual awakening, we are truly operating in uncharted territory. At most, we have the experiences of others to pursue. And often our own intuition can be hard to pin down in times of upheaval.

Here are the signs and experiences that tell you – that you are on the “right track”.

Whether it is, your manifestations are on the way, or that you are really close to realizing your dreams, including reuniting and loving the Twin Flame!

Sign 1: Numbers
You see angelic numbers all the time, repeating sequences like 11:11, 222, 444, and more… It can also be other significant numbers such as your birthday or another significant number. It can also include repeating words, phrases, and slogans.

These are all signals that your “intention/manifestation” has been “registered” by the universe and your guides, and they are working to help you!

When you work on an intention, signs will show up more than at any other time.

If you are about to let go of your twin flame connection, you will see numbers everywhere as your guides and the universe work to get you back on track.

Sign 2: Process of rebirth
When we begin to invite and pray/ask for something, the universe immediately responds. You may already know that we live in a universe of energy, where nothing is truly solid and everything is about frequency and vibration.

So, in order for us to receive the desired manifestation, reunion, or dream – what we have asked for – the universe reacts energetically. As it works to bring our goal to fruition, our system is triggered to release anything that may BLOCK that desire.

So when you pray for something, your system often purges everything that has been keeping you from aligning with it.

Therefore, we often go through a “rebirth process” before our goals manifest in tangible ways. It is our system working to align us with the reception.

If you’re feeling heavy right now, know that it’s not forever, it’s your system specifically trying to bring you into higher alignment. Let go of what was so you can have your desires.

Because we need to have “room” to receive, you will notice old aspects of your identity, so-called shadows, emerging, and you may see old friendships and relationships crumble.

Sign 3: Your Choice
Another thing that always happens in this process is that the universe begins to “check in with you” to make sure you really want what you asked for. And to see if you’re really ready.

How this happens, you may receive “hints” from your manifestation to give you a chance to refine your request and/or confirm.

A concrete example of this could be, you say you want to find love. And then, you get one, but it turns out to be a disappointment because you have nothing in common with the person who appears in your life.

The universe says:
You did not give enough details during your request and it is time for you to be more specific.

Then you can say that you want to meet your perfect divine soul partner (your twin) and you want it to be an incredibly happy experience for both of you and lead to a harmonious relationship in this life and forever.

When something does not go quickly, know that it is the universe that asks you to be more specific or to show more clarity on your wish!

Be as specific as possible. Sometimes we might not think it’s possible, but the universe does!

When we set an intention, the universe periodically asks us to either confirm that we still want to manifest that thing or to change our minds. Be sure to stay in your highest consciousness, so you can be clear about this.

Sign 4: Resistance
Our physical bodies carry ancient programming. Our bodies are programmed through evolution to focus on survival above all else. So the old part of us acts like: anything new is dangerous.

Therefore, you will notice that your body consciousness may begin to “freak out” when your manifestation is near. It can sense energy, and it can sense when someone or something is about to happen.

When our “self” feels threatened, you will notice illogical stress or worry. It is the resistance to change.

Know that when you experience this type of reaction, it is a sign that your body and your “unconscious self” are sensing your manifestation along the way.

Sign 5: Dreams
As you work through manifestation, including reuniting with your Twin Flame, you will notice your unconscious mind and your connection to guidance becoming strongly activated.

As your guides work to show you the steps to follow to achieve your desires, your dreams will begin to speak to you.

Animals and symbolic situations will probably appear in your dreams. Additionally, you may begin to receive visions and affirmations in your meditations.

Start writing down your dreams every morning and interpret the messages that come to you. There are important helpful clues that want to be heard and understood.

Sign 6: Clues
On the path of creation, when you are in a significant time of manifesting and inviting your desire, you will experience the subtle clues that change is occurring.

It will often look like seeing symbols and signs of your twin flame. If you’re working to manifest a reunion, you might see or hear your twin’s name and birthday repeatedly, or see people who look like them.

The so-called déjà vu is a common sign, and spiritually it seems like a time when you align with a particular timeline or shift into a new state, like glimpsing something you planned before birth. This is another example of “remembering”.

Experiencing déjà vu, the feeling that you have been in this situation before, that you are experiencing something again, is a sign that you are at a significant moment in your journey.

Sign 7: Synchronicities
When you are aligned with your manifestation and there is no blockage on reception, you will notice a sense of increased light and progress on an inner level.

You will feel that something good is approaching, a feeling of excitement without really knowing the cause because it is not yet present.

In this part of the process, it is common to experience synchronicities, a palpable sign that the universe is “reaching out” to bring you to your goal. It may look like:

Suddenly getting all the green lights on your way to an important meeting so you “magically” navigate traffic while everyone else is stuck…

The “right person” shows up at the “right time”.
Having a friend or acquaintance who gives you the exact information or help you need.

Or you meet a new friend who works with your Twin Flame and can bring you together…and even more.

If this happens to you, you will recognize it as a fluke. However, this is not by chance. Acknowledge it for what it is, and you invite more. Like a “wink” between you and the universe.

Listen to your intuition, as it is always working to help you and bring you the divine guidance that can help you achieve your goals to live the happiest life possible for you!

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