Do the two twin flames think about each other subconsciously?

Do the two twin flames think about each other subconsciously?

The twin flames are constantly on each other’s minds, whether they like it or not. They may have the choice to accept the other for who they are or reject them trying to distance themselves. Either way, it’s hard during separation, but accepting is the more loving and somewhat easier choice.

Over time, your thoughts towards your twin flame change, although they are constantly on your mind. Maybe before getting a lot of information about twin flames, you may have a dark night of the soul, thinking that your twin flame will completely forget about you and never contact you again.

The Dark Night of the Soul is part of the ascension process, and through it, you learn that your twin flame is still there in your heart as you are still in theirs. A first separation, then a reunion, even without saying anything, each one wants to show the other what they feel during this separation. None of you have forgotten anything. You were in each other’s minds from the first to the last day of your separation. Thoughts came and went, whether you notice that or not. But the thoughts were still there. When you reconnected again, you both thought about how much the other was suffering in separation. You were both hurt, but it was the thought that the other was suffering that brought you together.

And suddenly you’re apart again, even though you feel like your twin flame still wanted a connection with you at least at first – but over time the feelings couldn’t calm down meant that they had to redouble their efforts and, slowly but surely, things would find their way.

You notice an unusual detail in your story, you are receiving signs and synchronicities that tell you that your twin flame is still there, they are thinking of you and they are definitely your twin flame. All the typical twin flame signs were there all along, so we just had to wait for the affirmation from the Universe to be sure. The fact that this person is on your mind all the time means you’re on theirs too. Thoughts fade from time to time, only to come back again.

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