Have you ever looked for your twin flame?

Have you ever looked for your twin flame?

Most times, the meeting with our twin flame will take place while we know nothing about the concept of the twin flame.

As humans, we are not “looking” for our twin flames.

But once we meet our twin, we recognize each other on a soul level. We are not yet aware of our connection on a physical level. Then we wake up on some totally confused level. The Runner-Chaser cycles begin. Breakups are coming.

And then we DISCOVER there is something called the twin flame journey and we are living it right now. We feel the intensity of the connection, go through the pain and when we realize it is something extraordinary, we awaken to the fact that there is this special connection we have with this person called TWIN FLAME CONNECTION. But we never looked for it!!

We became aware of this…much later after meeting this person.

It is about DISCOVERING that we are part of a GREAT DIVINE PLAN.

The journey of the twin flames concerns a specific mission that certain souls have chosen to do even before incarnating here.

Twin flames appear when the energy of the same soul splits and incarnates into two human beings living at the same time on Earth. It’s very rare, but it does happen. Twin flames feel that they come to Earth not for the purpose of their romantic relationship but rather for their spiritual mission.

They have a high-dimensional soul connection.

They are advanced souls and usually volunteers who have chosen to return to help clear karma from ancestral lines, places, and populations to aid the ascension of the planet. Their souls are identical copies of each other and each one takes on the dominant male or female attributes. These twins volunteered to come here, they didn’t have to!

Twin flames need no one but the Divine to guide them.

It is a journey guided by the Divine. You cannot and will not seek to meet a twin flame. The encounter is divinely guided and cannot be forced.

In fact, twin flames have no idea about this connection until they meet, the purpose of the meeting is the activation of divine love that flows from their heart chakras and will occur when a large part of their individual mission will have been accomplished.

The energetic vibration of this divine love is spreading throughout the planet. Human twin flames will be in an altered state of consciousness. It is a MEETING. Not a relationship. It’s a 5D CONNECTION! Not a 3D relationship.

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