How do you know if this person is a false twin flame: If the journey of the twin flame and the journey of the false twin flame are identical?
There really is nothing called a False Twin Flame. All of this really means that you thought a lover might be your twin flame or they’re not. Yet, when it comes to a true twin flame, there is no doubt. It is very difficult to explain what one feels because this experience is metaphysical. You can’t pretend.
A regular romantic feeling and meeting a twin flame are NOT the same at all. Whoever says the feelings are the same has not met their true twin flame. It has nothing to do with love based on the conditional.
If a person truly encounters their twin flame, the encounter causes an intense exchange of energy between the heart chakras of both.
It is an intense experience, unlike a romantic attraction. This experience energetically lifts the twins into another dimension, they feel the purest love in the universe. The love of God. Both are in a state of consciousness. It is a highly paranormal experience and not normal in ordinary relationships. You will feel ecstatic and also feel like you have never known love before, even for a beloved spouse or even your own children!
You will have a Kundalini awakening.
You don’t care about anything at all in your life, not your family, not your husband, not even your children, because of this person you don’t even know, you soon start wondering what’s wrong. Furthermore, you don’t care about anything else, your heart chakra is so open that you feel intensely euphoric, but at the same time it’s unnerving because it’s a very strange feeling, it’s so joyful that you don’t want it to end. You don’t even have to touch that person for this awakening to happen! This connection is energetic! After a while, you’ll search for information about why you lost your mind about it, and then you’ll come across the term twin flame.
It’s completely out of the blue, it doesn’t happen while you’re looking for someone, it’s divine timing, a meeting with a twin flame can’t be planned and if someone is looking for every potential new person like “maybe, they could be my twin flame”, it doesn’t work like that.
It is a metaphysical and spiritual connection, not a romance. Nor is it something that happens when you are young and inexperienced. There’s a reason for that.
Love in a regular romance hurts, it’s something profoundly different, no comparison at all. Twin Flame love can only happen once, in a true meeting between these two souls.
There is no doubt that this is an encounter with a twin flame. You don’t even know what a twin flame is when you first meet them. It’s the deepest thing anyone can go through.
Besides, for those who believe in reincarnation, the question is, the one you just met, is it a person from a past life, a partner, or an unfinished love story?
This kind of souls, their love energy is so strong, and they can recognize you at first sight and their soul experience is so big. You don’t meet an ordinary person to call it an ordinary relationship. You can feel it differently even because of the way they stare deep into your eyes. It is the relationship that can leave you so confused.
The third type of souls you may doubt is your twin flame is someone who sometimes has the same first name as your twin, or similar letters in the name, similar birthdays, and a lot of compatibility between YOU. Every detail is real and perfect. One thing that some people may notice and some may not is their energy. Instead of sharing energy with you, this person steals yours.
On the physical level, you have the impression that they give you everything, on the energetic level you are not like before. You feel addicted to them. In your personal life, you may wonder what is going on, it was not like this before. You never doubt it’s because of them. It will not be easy to break up with this person. The only thing that can help you is your intuition. In the end, all that glitters is not gold. They are not your real twin flame.