Interpreting Twin Flame Dreams, Symbols and Soul Messages

Interpreting Twin Flame Dreams, Symbols, and Soul Messages

Your soul is always sending you messages about your twin flame to help you on your journey. Most Twin Flames have instinctive experiences and dreams of their partner. Sometimes, these things can seem confusing.

They are a Help on the way back to Unconditional Love.

The moment you begin your Twin Flame journey and Ascension is triggered, your soul takes a more dynamic hand in your life to help you return to that place of harmony and Unconditional Love with your twin. This is a major aspect of the spiritual awakening experience that you yourself have expected. Your Spiritual Self, the deep consciousness that you are, is continually trying to show you experiences and messages to help you on your way.

1) Intuitive vibrations – Kundalini awakening.

The kundalini awakening that occurs with the underlying experiences regularly triggers hidden spiritual abilities. For example, inclinations to clairvoyance, telepathy, truly feeling your twin flame’s feelings and sometimes even the physical side, and different methods to get data from your “higher guides” and your Twin Flame. It is an incredible help on your journey since you have the chance to take advantage of assets that you may never have known.

2) Let your feelings speak

In case you dreamed about your twin, what feeling did you have in this dream? How did you feel when you woke up a little later? How was the decor? What colors did you see? How are the symbols or characters represented in the dream?

3) Your messages are intended for you

The most important messages you receive are implied to you. Therefore, you usually know the appropriate response, in one way or another, whether or not, it is hidden somewhere in your subconscious mind. Check your own experience, childhood, different preferences, and relationships to understand the message. Another person can give their explanation, but often the messages are explicitly tailored to you.

4) Do not avoid them

Your soul’s messages, from time to time, are meant to be taken seriously. In case you see your twin flame with another person, in a dream, for example, it is probably either your fears of the ego communicating with you, or a message that you must clear the energy of jalousie from your aura. It could also be a message that fear blocks you (especially if you have asked for help to reunite or get closer to your twin). In most cases, it is exceptionally unlikely that you will have a dream in which your twin is showing you some truths. Often your twin wants to give you a sign about their hidden feelings, or they want your help, even on an astral plane.

5) Treat it as fun, and you’ll find it easier.

Being disappointed with the results creates opposition, closes your natural channels ( your meridians) and really makes it harder to get information. If you want to be guided by your soul, allow yourself to be transported to the appropriate answer. Whether or not you manage to fully understand it.

6) Stay out of ego

Today’s society trains us to think coherently and systematically. Therefore, most of us are not brought up to be accustomed to deciphering, or even open to accepting natural experiences and soul messages. Regularly, our “self” – the earth personality – is so dynamic and busy that the messages go unnoticed. The moment we are charged with blocked considerations and vibrations, it is more difficult for these messages to pass through effectively. Remember how energy works. You are available to get what you are in alignment with its vibrations.

The ego is a lower vibration, so raising your vibration ensures that you open yourself up to gaining downloads and experiences from your higher “deep resources” instead of your fearsome examples and can connect to the soul of your twin and their unconditional love regardless of their Ego’s opinion. Controlling your thoughts and attempting to relax your brain help in opening up and bypassing the controlling components of the Ego. Contemplation, journaling, and aura clearings are key approaches to opening up and tapping into your soul’s deepest insight.

7) Follow your personal interpretations

Note that once you are ready to decipher the signs and messages you receive, you will receive more messages.

8) Your body speaks

Even if you’ve never had “psychic” abilities, your body is continually sending you messages. It is an important part of what we call “instinct”. In fact, it is your body that reacts to the energy. Most of us can sense vibrations and feelings in our body, but we are often unaware of it. The more you raise your vibrations, the more clear these messages become. You have most likely felt it yourself. When you dream of something, when an idea comes out of nowhere when you get certain information – does it make you feel peaceful and content? Or, does that feel heavy and negative to you? It should be your compass so that you can reliably connect with your instincts.

9) Increased perspective and accuracy

As you open your energy channel by clearing blocked energy in your system, instinctual messages become more obvious. Your ability to leverage your insight is enhanced. You should start thinking, writing to reconnect with the wisdom of your Spiritual Self. A fantastic method to familiarize yourself with your own guides is to start a journaling practice.

As little as five minutes a day can make you aware of what’s going on, and it encourages you to become familiar with what the “real messages” are. In case you rarely remember your dreams, this is also an amazing method to develop dream mindfulness and dream examination. Aura cleansing is also a tremendous help as it clears blockages, and stress energies and frees you more and more of your own inner voice.

The clearer your aura becomes and the higher you raise your vibration out of Ego, the more you align with your true soul and your Twin Flame.

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