Should a twin flame only focus on a spiritual connection with their twin?

Should a twin flame only focus on a spiritual connection with their twin?

A romantic relationship is not just about dating a beautiful physical body.
You come out with their high vibrations, maturity, morality, spirituality, and growth. You were created with your ideal partner, your one true love, and the one with whom you are designed to share your perfect romance. And yes it exists, and it is real. This person is your twin flame, and they are your master, your best friend, your partner, and your lover.

Twin flames transcend traditional relationship paradigms.

Your twin flame is not there to save you. Your twin flame isn’t going to act like a soul mate, and that’s a very, very good thing. Soulmates come and go, but your twin flame is created to spend all eternity with you.

Whatever you experience on your journey, your twin flame still loves you perfectly and unconditionally, even if they are not present in your physical reality at this time. Only with unconditional love, a love that asks nothing in return and expects nothing from you, you can be truly free.

Maybe you feel upset because your twin flame is in a relationship with someone else.

You fear they would move on. Rest assured, as a spiritual truth, this relationship is an illusion, because your twin flame is created to be with you, and you will always desire to be with your twin flame.

It is impossible to forget the love of your twin. You might decide to date other people. And of course, you are free to do what seems good or right to you. But dating someone who is not your twin flame is not going to satisfy you. And it’s a lesson you’ll learn along the way.

Once you’ve had the fire inside:

Once you’ve tasted what a twin flame feels like, nothing can stop you. Because you have already experienced union at the heart level, you have seen and felt your inner truth. Now you have the fuel for your divine desire for your inner truth forever. You know for sure it was not a dream. In fact, you met your twin on Earth. You know who they are, now your twin flame is consciously beating in your heart space.

Once your heart has awakened, things align one by one.

Once you feel your twin flame and desire them, the desire and inner fire have a purpose that will be manifested in 3D life.

The heart must first feel and desire, then everything else follows and falls into place. You are founding a new base for your life, and that’s why all the emphasis is on the heart.

As the heart is the way of the soul’s desire.

A desire of the heart is something that emanates from the deepest sides of the soul. Every person with a reflection of the soul in the heart attracts easily more energy and power from their soul. That will help you do a lot of things. And when you feel able to do something, you become imbued with a feeling that pushes you to do more of those things, with many tests and obstacles along the way to test your strength of determination.

If you pass the test, you will be much stronger.
You then realize that this is just a test and things go well from there.

Each test is a gift, if you pass it, you see the purity of your desire.

What you have in your heart will come true. If only you believe it.

So if you can’t physically be with your twin flame, then surrender your Twin Flame relationship to the divine and honor their choices and lovingly meet them where they are on your journey.

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