Super Full Moon on August 1

Super Full Moon on August 1 meaning

On August 1, the moon will appear brighter, bolder, and larger than ever because of its proximity to the Earth. This means that we will immediately and intensely feel the effects of the full moon. The Aquarius Moon will be extremely tender and powerful on August 1. Like every full moon, there will be a battle between our hearts and our minds – allowing the stronger of the two to win. This moon offers us the opportunity to understand our desires.

We will look at things with a keen eye while striving to understand how we can improve them.

The Moon in Aquarius comes with humanitarian energy, so it wants to help other people. However, the full moon brings things out of the shadows that could create conflict. Some people will define their relationship and others will long to find unconditional love.
Then, we must create structure and understand our relationship goals. Therefore, we can assess that it is essential and necessary to put in place limits to our personal partnerships and friendships, while solidifying the connection and the foundation with others. The growth of such relationships will not happen overnight.

During this full moon, the need for attention and affection will create problems with our close friends and family.

Intimate relationships are going to be challenged, as we sort out our emotions by talking about them. If intensity takes place, we have to forgive and let go, as long as we are open to growth and want to move forward in a positive direction.

The cosmos pushes us to speak up and make our emotions known, to ourselves and to others.

This Super Moon urges us to peel back our emotions and embrace our innermost feelings. Don’t ignore the red flags the moonlight exposes. They are brought to our attention to help guide us to the truth of things. Once we are able to see situations and relationships for what they really are, we will know how to handle problems. Remember that we don’t have to rush to take action. We can listen carefully to our feelings for a few days. Considering what the heart and the mind desire. Whatever choices we make in the end, the Full Moon offers us the clarity and the tools to navigate our journey.

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