What is the truth about twin flames?

What is the truth about twin flames?

The truth is, there is no way for you to let go of your twin flame relationship. You can try anything you want, but it will never happen because even if your twin is not physically with you, they know your thoughts, your hopes, and your dreams. They fully understand everything you expect from life and from them.

What separates you physically is what surrounds you both. It can be your spouses of course, but also your entourage, your families, friends, and colleagues. The reason is that you are both in karmic and emotionally intertwined relationships with all of these people. One of you will be more aware than the other at first, and this is called running/chasing.

Also, when it comes to the twin flame the stages, and how the relationship goes, absolutely everyone will have a different opinion because every Twin Flame journey is unique.

In fact, a big part of this journey is connecting to your most authentic self, and so to come into “union” with your twin and understand your relationship, you might seek guidance, but you should remember that Only YOU can trace your own path.

And if you focus 100% on yourself, get to know yourself, understand yourself, and study yourself and your unique situation. You probably find that you already have the answer to all your own questions and doubts, not only about the twin flame journey, but about everything that concerns and relates to your life path, your purpose, and the solution to problems.

The twin flame relationship absolutely empowers and encourages every human being to empower themselves and believe in themselves enough to become completely independent and self-sufficient.

Uniqueness, allows and gives everyone the chance to become equally powerful, divine, and their best version.

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